Sexg with cute short hair tranny
105,641 98%
3 years ago
I'f she is a transam I'm a lambughine countache she has short beautiful hair and she is a woman through and through I think she is owed an apology and a bit of compensation for the error. Loool. Unless you have found a new post operation results example of a new doctors work that is not well known yet. But I doubt it. Only God produces beauty on this scale and God's daughter mother nature. Mankind can only dream of work like this there's a few good finished articles in the world but alot of bodged examples preying on vulnerable people's insecurities and only after the coin the work is just an inconvenient irritating thing that has to be done I'f they are going to get paid. 7 times out of 10 when the bandages are removed its not a fairytale endingl unfortunately. Its happening more than it should be.